When we hear the word “treaty,” we often associate it with an agreement between nations. However, not all agreements are treaties, and not all treaties are agreements. In this article, we will explore the definition of treaty and agreement and examine the differences between the two.

Treaty Definition

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a treaty is “a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.” Treaties are legally binding and are often used to establish peaceful relationships and promote cooperation between nations. They can cover a wide range of topics, from international trade to human rights to environmental protection.

Treaties are usually negotiated by representatives of the participating countries and are ratified by their respective governments. Once a treaty is ratified, it becomes a part of international law and is binding on all signatories.

Agreement Definition

An agreement, on the other hand, is a general term that refers to any arrangement between two or more parties. It can be formal or informal and can cover a variety of topics, from business deals to personal relationships.

Agreements do not necessarily have to be legally binding, and they can often be made on a handshake or through a verbal understanding. However, in some cases, agreements may be legally binding and require the parties to fulfill certain obligations.

The Difference Between Treaty and Agreement

The main difference between treaty and agreement is the level of formality and legal bindingness. A treaty is a formal agreement that is legally binding on all signatories, while an agreement can be formal or informal and may or may not be legally binding.

Treaties are usually negotiated between governments, while agreements can be made between individuals, businesses, or other entities.

Another difference is that treaties usually cover issues that affect the relations between nations, while agreements can cover a wide range of topics.

Examples of Treaties and Agreements

The Paris Agreement on Climate Change is an example of a treaty, as it was negotiated and ratified by over 190 countries. The treaty aims to limit global temperature rise and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

An example of an agreement is a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), which is often used in business to protect confidential information. NDAs are usually signed by employees, contractors, or business partners and are legally binding.


In summary, a treaty is a formal agreement between nations that is legally binding, while an agreement is a general term that can refer to any arrangement between parties. While treaties and agreements may be used interchangeably, it is important to understand the differences between the two, especially in legal contexts. As a professional, it is important to accurately convey the meaning of words and phrases to ensure that readers understand the content.