Terms and Conditions

1. General:

Blue Pay and Pinpoint Booking System act as booking agents. It arranges bookings and reservations of cottage accommodation as agents for the owners of the holiday accommodation ("the Property Owner"). The person or persons who provide payment on account of a booking are hereafter referred to as the “Vacationer”

2. Contract:

By selecting “Book Now” on the booking interface of the https://www.morneingglorycottage.ca web site, the Vacationer understands and agrees that they are entering into a legal binding contract between the Vacationer and Property Owner. The issuance of a written or electronic confirmation to the Vacationer by the Agency shall complete a binding contract between the Vacationer and the Property Owner.

3. Limitations of Liability:

The Vacationer represent, warrants, acknowledge and agrees with https://www.morneingglorycottage.ca (the Agency) and the Property Owner (the Property Owner) that they will use the cottage and its facilities in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement and the house hold rules and that they do so at their own risk and that they indemnify and save the Agency and Property Owner harmless from any claim made as a result of personal injury, sickness or death, loss or damage, however caused, to person or property of the Vacationer or their family, guests, visitors, servants and agents during or after the time of occupancy. Further, the Vacationer accepts full responsibility of the use of any recreational equipment, such as boats and motors, etc. and agrees to pay for any repairs to damage to or replacement of said equipment, if caused by the vacationer or any of their family, guests, visitors, servants and agents.

4. Credit Card Guarantee:

The Vacationer agrees to provide a valid credit card number as a guarantee:
To pay all outstanding long distance phone charges, and accept all liability for any damage beyond normal wear and tear during the term of the Vacation;
And to also to pay any penalties listed in this agreement and house rules for failure to meet any of the terms and conditions listed there in. 

5. Payment:

5.1 Bookings shall be confirmed in writing by the Agency on payment of a deposit.
5.2 Receipt of any deposit prior to the Agency's written confirmation of the reservation shall not constitute acceptance of any booking.
5.3 The balance shall be payable 30 days prior to the commencement of the holiday.
5.4 If the Vacationer books the holiday less than 30 days from its commencement the full booking charge shall be payable upon booking.
5.5 All payments shall be made to the Agency by credit card, cheque or money order.
5.6 There will be a $25.00 penalty if the balance owing is not paid to the Agency in full 30 days prior to occupancy.
5.7 All payments made within 20 days of occupancy must be made by certified cheque or valid credit card.

6. Cancellation:

Any cancellation made by the Vacationer shall be in writing addressed to https://www.morneingglorycottage.ca. On receipt of such notice of cancellation, the Agency shall endeavor to re-book the holiday accommodation for the entire period of the original booking.
6.1 If the Agency is successful in re-booking the holiday accommodation for the entire period originally booked it shall refund to the Vacationer all monies paid (whether by deposit or otherwise) less a cancellation fee of $150.00 per period booked.
6.2 If the Agency only succeeds in re-booking the holiday accommodation for a portion of the period originally booked, it shall refund the monies paid relating to the period re-booked, less a cancellation fee of $150.00 per period booked.
6.3 If the Agency is unable to re-book the holiday accommodation at all then all monies paid by the Vacationer (whether by deposit or otherwise) shall be forfeited to the Agency

7. Number of Persons Using the Holiday Accommodation:

The number of persons present overnight and during the day on the property shall not exceed the number of guests listed on the booking agreement, without prior authorization from the Agency.
7.1 Vacationers who contravene the maximum numbers of adults and children (individuals 16 years old and older are considered adults ) permitted at each cottage will be subject to immediate eviction without refund or an additional nightly charge of $200.00 per person, at the discretion of the Agency\ Owner.
7.2 There will be no subletting of the cottage property permitted. Where separate parties will be occupying the property at different time periods, booking forms must be completed for each party.
7.3 There shall be no camping, tenting, or otherwise placing auxiliary accommodation facilities on the property without prior written authorization.

8. Access:

The Property Owner and/or the Agency's agents shall be allowed access to holiday accommodation at any reasonable time during any holiday occupancy.

9. Repair:

9.1 The Vacationer shall keep the holiday accommodation and all furniture, fixtures, chattels, fittings, and effects in or about the holiday accommodation in the same state of repair and condition as at the commencement of the holiday, and shall leave the holiday accommodation in the same state of cleanliness and general order in which it was found. Failure to do so, to the satisfaction of the Owner/Agency, may result in a damage/cleaning charge being levied.
9.2 The Vacationer shall not rearrange the furniture or fixtures in the house.

10. Other Conditions of Booking:

The Vacationer shall abide by the conditions of booking and any other instructions contained in the Household Rules, Inventory Listing and/or as noted on the face of this form. All such conditions apply to guests visiting the property, whether day visitors or overnight.
10.1 Any Vacationer who contravenes said conditions shall be subject to immediate eviction without refund and/or a penalty of $100.00 per day at the discretion of the Agency.
10.2 Any Vacationer requesting return of items left at a property will be subject to a minimum $25.00 Administration fee for return of said requested items.

11. Pets:

Pets are not permitted on the property.

12. Keys:

12.1 The Vacationer agrees to return the cottage keys as directed in the house rules
12.2 The Vacationer agrees to pay a $20.00 charge for failure to return the keys within the stipulated time.

13. Electronic Documents Act 

By selecting “Book Now” on the booking interface of the https://www.morneingglorycottage.ca web site, the Vacationer understands and agrees that they are entering into a legal binding agreement.